Un giorno nella vita di un Romano

Here is a look into my every day life here in Rome. It continues to amaze me the things I get to see every day on my way to school. Each day, I take a tram from my apartment across Fiume Tevere (the Tiber River) to Largo Di Torre Argentina, which hosts four Republican Roman temples, and the remains of Pompey’s Theatre. It also contains cats (cats used to roam free in the city, but it was soon decided that they should be contained in one area, which is now in Largo Di Torre Argentina). After that, I have the option of taking a bus, but instead I walk the 15 minutes to not only enjoy the incredible weather Rome seems to have every day, but also to enjoy the sites around me. These sites include the Pantheon, the Column of Marcus Aurelius, an obelisk, many fountains (sometimes including the Trevi Fountain). I am also fortunate enough to attend school a block away from Piazza di Spagna, or the Spanish steps. Hopefully these pictures will give a glimpse into why I have fallen in love with this city.

Largo Argentina

Fiume Tevere (The Tiber River)

The Pantheon

A fountain outside the Pantheon

The street I walk down to get to school

The Column of Marcus Aurelius

Vespas, Vespas and more Vespas

Piazza di Spagna (The Spanish Steps)

About labellacitta

I am fortunate enough to spend 3 months study Italian, Religion and Music in Rome, Italy this fall. I will be studying at Italiaidea University through DePaul University's study abroad program. On weekends I will take trips to Pisa, Napoli, Tuscany, and many other fun places both in Italy and other European countries. Join me on my adventure as I attempt to explore everything this country has to offer.
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2 Responses to Un giorno nella vita di un Romano

  1. Jared Smith says:

    Eeee I am so excited for you!! I can already tell you’re going to make the most of your experience there. Keep appreciating and adventuring and blogging!


  2. Annie Kraft says:


    Pictures are great! So glad you’re having this experience.

    Love you and Miss you,


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